Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One Big Word That You Don't Ever Want to Hear Your Mom Say!


About two weeks ago, my mom found out that she has lung cancer. She has a mass in her right lung. This was heart-breaking news to me, not only because it's my mom, but because my mom has always been a rock. She is always so strong, nothing gets her down. So to me, this just seems impossible! But nevertheless, here we are.

From then until now, I've been trying to keep it together as we've been waiting to find out if it has spread. So far it looks like it hasn't. This is good news and makes her a candidate for what they call a lung re-section. They should be able to remove the tumor, and minus the open-chest surgery, she'll be good as new!

There was a possibility that she might go into surgery this week, but she won't be able to meet with the surgeon until next week. And lucky for me, I'll be in Las Vegas this weekend for the Ragnar Relay with my team Lady Luck. The race ends at the Red Rock Resort, not too far from her and even though I would have seen her anyway, I'm glad that it won't be in the ICU!

So, I'll keep trying to keep it together as she crosses one bridge at a time and keep praying that Heavenly Father doesn't need her more than I do! Can't wait to see you Mom!