Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jaymison is 5!

This is a big year for Jaymison...she turned 5! That means that she'll get to go to Kindergarten in the fall! She is so excited! This year she has been able to go to the preschool that is offered at our elementary school and I can't believe how much she is learning...she can almost tie her shoes...that is if she actually had shoes that tied! She's been practicing on anything she can get her hands on, and it has been fun to watch her learn and grow! She is so smart and she keeps us laughing all of the time with the funny things that she says! She has always been her Daddy's girl

and asks every day when Dad is coming home...she misses him! They have a special bond that is very sweet! She really is the light of our home and we are so grateful for her sweet spirit!


RAQ said...

Happy Birthday!!! Sorry, I missed it! But glad to see you on FB! What a great time in Vegas!! I am so glad you got to do that. Sweet too that your dad came out! Sounds like a good year so far!!!!

The Buhrley Bunch said...

Oh my gosh, you guys HAVE had a fun February! I'm SO GLAD you got to go down to Vegas and spend time with your sweetie. Work is always good and all, but time together is GREAT. You guys look like you had a blast. I want me some of those breakfast entrees!

Alyssa/Jo said...

What a cutie! I miss you!!!

Julianne said...

Happy Birthday! We miss you and hope to see you all soon!

Jessica said...

this little girl is growing up way too fast for us. every time we come for sunday dinner, she is bigger! we love you guys! thanks for letting us be part of the family.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday JJ. Peanut is five tomorrow! We love you.