Sunday, August 9, 2009

Slow and Steady Wins the Race!

Last year I got this running bug and did five 5K's. So this year, I set a goal to run a 1/2 marathon. One might be tempted to ask why? And to this I would respond "I don't know, but it sounded like a good idea in my attempts to be more goal-oriented this year".

After over-loading my brain with hours of internet searching as to the best way to go about training for such an event, I took a long nap. Luckily I recovered quickly, and began my hard core training. Boy, that lap around the block was a DOOZY!

A few weeks later, I thought I would try again. And slowly I began building up my mileage. Around the middle of June, people began to notice my efforts. I know this because drivers would swerve to miss me and yell at me to get out of the road. I don't understand why they didn't realize that I was PURPOSELY lying in the middle of the street so that someone would run OVER me just to put me out of my misery, but people in Utah CAN be kind of slow.

Anyway, I guess one day someone saw me actually running and figured I would be a good last-minute replacement for this thing called the Ragnar. Of course the legendary Norse hero from the Viking age is the first thing that comes to mind, right? Yeah, me too. That's cuz we're smart. But what a Viking hero that wore hairy breeches has to do with a 187 mile relay through the back country between Logan and Park City, I still have no idea. The only comparison I can come up with is that by the end of the 24 hours of non-stop running, each of the 12 participants on a team stink probably about as bad as this conqueror did back in the day!

Apparently I had 3 of the easiest legs of the whole race. This factor, combined with the fun of that weekend adventure, convinced me that I just might be able to complete my goal. I was thinking that if I could run 12 and 1/2 miles in 24 hours, surely I could run about that much straight through, right? Throw in some heavy-handed peer pressure from "friends" (aka, people who missed their chance to run me over and thought it would be funny to see me puking my guts out after 13.1 miles) and before you knew it I had an actual bib number for the Provo River Trail 1/2 Marathon.

Slowly, but surely, I added in more miles each week. These long runs produced some undesirable side-effects, leaving me nervous that my "friends" just might get the show they were looking for.

But I kept pushing along and finally yesterday was the BIG day...and this is when I began to feel like I made a huge mistake. Let's begin with the time the race started...7 am. So far, so good...until I realized that meant that I had to get out of bed at 3:45 AM...ON PURPOSE! Sometimes I mistakenly open my eyes at this time, but then I realize that it's like the middle of the night and I go back to sleep! Ok, I know you're wondering why one would have to get up so early for a race that still 3 hours away. Well, it's because you need a lot of time to stumble around in the dark to figure out why you're awake at that time in the first place! We had to leave by 4:30- to get on the bus by 5:00- to get up to the start by 6:00. One WHOLE hour before the race started!!! This graciously allows you plenty of quality time with the port-o-potties should "race nerves" give you trouble. A good idea considering there were like 2000 other runners. Unfortunately, Utah was experiencing some sort of freak winter weather and we were stranded out in an open field in 45 degree weather...FREEZING! Wait...I thought this was going to be fun???

The gun went off and about 3 miles into the race my teeth stopped chattering and I finally began to get the feeling back in my toes and fingers. This is a good thing because chatter plus numb hands plus gatorade could have a tendency to equal orange mess at the aid stations along the way! But, I thawed out and I just kept running, and running, and running. I looked around and beheld the beauty of Provo Canyon and the river. And then I ran some more. And when I got to like mile 11, BAM! I hit the proverbial wall. That wall may be invisible, but let me tell you, when you run into it, it hurts! Everything was hurting. Neck, back, legs, knees, feet, all of it. Wait...I thought this was going to be fun???

Lucky for me, I have a wonderful family that is super supportive. By "supportive" I mean two people that were at least willing to get out of bed before 9 on a Saturday morning- Jeff and Kirsten. Kirsten made me a "GO MOM!" sign and there they were at mile 12, cheering me on! That was great because I was thinking about "falling" into the river at this point, or asking one of the grandma's that kept passing me to just push me in. Seeing Jeff and Kirsten was just the little nudge that I needed to push me through that last mile, and before I knew it I was at the finish line!

13.1 miles in 2 hours and 14 minutes!

My goal was 2:30 and I was hoping to be under 2:15, so I completed my goal within my goal time. Sure some people complete a whole marathon in this same amount of time, but I like to call those people CRAZY! This was about a 10 minute mile...slow and steady. Unfortunately no one thought to bring a camera to record this momentous occasion, hence the generic picture, so you'll just have to take my word for it. I'm happy to report that there was no puking, or any other unpleasant side effects...just a whole lotta soreness both yesterday and today.

I'm already thinking about next time and I think I can do it under 2's gonna be so much fun!


Jessica said...

Wow! I am so impressed Cathy. You are such a rockstar mama! I have always wanted to run a half marathon but I get overwhelmed thinking about it! Congratulations :)

The Buhrley Bunch said...

Cathy, I LOVE your post!!! I'm so dang proud of you (and in awe) at what an iron woman you are. You ROCK. Although I have to admit that I think you runner gals are all a little crazy, I still stand in awe at your accomplishment. WELL DONE.

Julie said... are a riot! I LOVE this post and am sitting here laughing out loud!!!! You are awesome and I'm so proud of you! You in for Halloween?

Alyssa/Jo said...

I loved every moment of that blog entry! You crack my up big time!! Congrats on reaching your goal! I'm running the Spanish Fork 1/2 on Sept could reach your goal sooner than you thought!

Julianne said...

So awesome! Congratulations! One day when it is not 100 degrees here, Im going to get my fat but out there and start running again! :)