6 Happy Children
-Summer school ended for me and we packed up the car and drove
all night...Everyone was so excited to go to California!
5 Days at The Pearcy Resort in Temecula
-We got to Julie's at about 5:30 in the morning and crashed for a couple of hours and then
we hit the ground running.
4 Nights of FARKLE
-We stayed up late several nights playing a new dice game that Julie discovered...Farkle.
Even the little kids love to play!
3 Visits with Cousins
-We were able to visit with my brother and his family- Tim, Judi, and their kids, Reece, Grant
and Chloe. We met at Pat and Oscar's, one of our favorite Temecula restaurants. Thanks to
Julie Hunter for the free meals-everyone got their fill of BREADSTICKS!!!
We visited at their house for a little bit and their dog Coco just loved me! She kept jumping up in my lap- I think that she thought I was a safe refuge from all of the commotion!
2 Lovely Beach Days
-The beach was both how we began and ended our California trip. We went straight to the
beach on Friday and then we were able to go to the beach on the last day with McKenna and
Jordan. We were also able to catch up with alot of our old ward buddies...this was the place
to be!
Note to self- In the future, do not take beach pictures sitting next to really tan niece...thanks!
1 Tired Mama
I didn't get much sleep during this trip...driving through the night screwed up my sleep schedule and I always seemed to be awake early in the morning and unable to go back to sleep. I was ready for my bed when we got back home!
(more pictures to follow...from Julie and McKenna)
Can't wait to see the pics. Sorry about the camera!
Fun trip! I loved how you used the numbers...so clever! You look great in every pic. Even when you are by your tan niece!
good times!!! beautiful family!
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