Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pre-School Graduation!

The elementary school offers a pre-school program that Jaymison was so excited to be a part of this year. She loved the fact that she got to go to school. When Dad was home, she was always so glad to have him walk her and pick her up. She had a great teacher, Ms. Chris, who didn't take no gruff! Jaymison learned so much but sometimes gave Ms. Chris a hard time, by trying to write in cursive...gee I wonder if she has a big brother that learned to write in cursive this year???

Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see?
I see a gold fish looking at me!

She just HAD to sit up on the wall!


Julianne said...

LOVE the update! Good job Cath! Your kids are all amazing and so beautiful! It makes me sad that we dont live closer. Keep up on the updates! Miss you guys!

RAQ said...

Cute! Hope you guys are well!