Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sledding into the New Year!

We had the Eastman's over for New Year's Eve. After much eating and game playing, we finally went to bed around 4:30 in the morning. Once we had about 6 hours of sleep, we met them at the hill in our neighborhood for some snow fun!

Here are some random action shots...


Julie said...

Love that sledding hill! I'm glad your kids are wearing helmets. I keep telling TJ that we need to make our kids wear helmets but he's not listening to me. We have some good video from sledding over the break though. And my nephew had the grossest bruise ever from running into a tree!!!!

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Fun FUn times! Glad you were on it with the whole camera thing! And that pic of Bray in her hat too cute! We had so much fun with you guys! :)